What is said when rising from Ruku`


Q 2: Is it permissible for a worshiper to say "Rabbana Walaka-l-Hamd Wa-l-Shukr Kama Yanbaghi Lijalali Wajhika Wa `Azhimi Sulatanik" (Our Lord, all praises and thanks be to You Alone as it befits the Majesty of Your Noble Face)" after rising from Ruku` (bowing)?

A: The word "Wa-l-Shukr (thanks)" is not narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him), so it should be abandoned, as the word "Al-Hamd (all praises)" is sufficient. One should adhere to the reported text.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Rights of Children